Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Kristy: Audacity

How dare I enjoy part of a professional development, right? Regardless, I did. I already played with Audacity once, but I got to play in it again for a few hours today.

Audacity is a free audio editing download. If you haven't played with it before, you may want to consider doing so.

Kristy: Clustrmap

I think I have already explained that I'm fond of widgets, but this one is extra neat. Clustrmaps let you track the visitors to your website, blog, or wiki. I love how it isn't just a counter, but it tracks the locations of the visitors. Fun stuff!

Locations of visitors to this page

Monday, June 21, 2010

Kristy: VoiceThread

VoiceThread is a tool I learned about during the Blogs, Wikis, and Web 2.0 book study I completed that Kiki Evans facilitated. I loved this book study, and I especially loved VoiceThread.

I finally got around to finishing a VoiceThread introduction to the author of this blog, me. The blog's other contributor - my husband - is interlaced as well.

Here is a VoiceThread I used in my Business Management class. The complexity of the questions progressed throughout the assignment, as it was the first time I utilized this tool in the classroom, and I was trying verify the students understood how VoiceThread worked and I was trying to inform the students about various business concepts. I was afraid to lose someone.

I personally prefer keeping VoiceThreads moderated, because it allows you to check for accuracy before accepting a post, checks for appropriateness, and keeps the students from hearing one another's answer just to cheat.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Kristy: acapela.tv

I’d never seen acapela.tv (http://www.acapela.tv) until today, but I already love it. It’s this fun website with a bunch of premade movies that you can put a string of text into and it turns your text into a new movie.

For an example, see here:

Another example of how it could be used in a classroom to introduce a new topic or unit is here: Introducing Vocabulary

It takes seconds to create a great product, and you can even choose your accent!