Sunday, March 14, 2010

Kristy: GoAnimate

Thanks to a recent bookstudy I participated in, I've discovered a great new website called GoAnimate. There are a lot of fun animations already existing that you can browse, you can make your own animations, and you can have students make animations.

Here is one I created for my webmastering blog to introduce the concept of Web 2.0 to students. I recorded my own voice to use in it, and you can have four different layers of sound at once. I think I'll use this next year as part of my Open House speech or even with students at the beginning of the year to introduce some rules. Mrs. McCoy Web 2.0 by Kristy@fb

Like it? Create your own at

Here is one created by the creator of my Book Study about another great Web 2.0 tool called WallWisher: Wallwisher by Dovewhisper

1 comment:

  1. Hi Kristy,

    I'm glad you found the site and are enjoying it so much! Great job on your animation!

    We have many educators that use it with their students. We are actually working on creating an edu version of the site for schools K-12. Please email me at if you would like me to add you to the list of people that we will contact as we get closer to launching the new site.

    Michelle Wiley
    GoAnimate Community Manager


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